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11 Surprising Jumping Rope Benefits

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Due to COVID-19, it has become difficult to use sports facilities and sometimes even exercising outside. It’s harder than you might think to achieve the right level of physical exercise in times like this. However, if you do jumping rope, you can expect a very convenient, easy and effective way to keep in shape.

Jumping rope, also known as skipping rope, is a great cardio exercise. Jumping rope exercise can help tone your calves, tighten your core, build stamina, and improve your lung capacity. If you keep skipping rope, you can improve your base stamina, and if you control your diet while in training, it is effective in promoting a faster metabolism.

Jumping Rope Burns 10 Calories Per Minute

Surprisingly, skipping rope burns around 10 calories per minute. In addition, it strengthens the legs, hips, stomach, shoulders and arms. On average, if you exercise intensely for 10 minutes a day, you can burn up to 200 calories, which is much more than you would achieve by walking briskly.

11 Benefits Of Jumping Rope Every Day

Jumping rope is an exercise that has many benefits, from weight loss to reducing the risk of cancer. Skipping rope burns a lot of calories and helps improve your cardiovascular system.

1. Burn Lots Of Calories

Jumping rope is a full body exercise that can burn heaps of calories. It burns even more calories than running. A person weighing approximately 60 kg can burn about 160 calories by jumping the rope for 15 minutes. That’s roughly 50 more calories than the same person would burn if jogging for the same amount of time.

2. Improve Cardiovascular Health

Unlike strength training, jumping rope is considered among the best aerobic exercise since it actually increases your heart rate. This is an exercise that significantly reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Just jumping the rope for 15-20 minutes every day can keep your lungs and heart healthy.

3. Increase Bone Density

Jumping rope adds strength to your muscles and fortifies the bones by increasing their density and reducing the likeliness of osteoporosis. If you haven’t done much exercise in these days, jumping up and down consistently can make you feel daunting. So you should increase the amount of exercise little by little according to your physical condition.

4. Enhance Lung Function

Jump rope workout enhance blood circulation and breathing, ultimately even lung capacity. At the same time, skipping rope daily can also escalate your resistance, which means you can exercise without feeling fatigued for a longer time.

5. Grow Mental Focus

All cardio exercises will help you focus on your goals, and jumping rope can calm the body and grow concentration skill. For most people timing the number of jumps according to the speed can provide a challenge that assist shift their focus away from stress factors and just turn it towards your inner self.

6. Boost Body Coordination

Jumping rope regularly can boost your coordination and stamina. There are reasons why skipping rope is a staple in every “get back in shape” montage in Hollywood movies. Jumping rope training is popular among athletes because it raise body control, speed, agility, strength, and rhythm while engaging most of your muscles.

7. Build On Physical Performance And Relieve Stress

No matter how we spend our day, most people feel tired and weak by nightfall. To solve this, you need to develop your stamina on a regular basis. Jumping rope is a great way to keep you fit and build up your stamina. Jumping rope every day will increase your stamina, and consistent practice will also ease you to get rid of fatigue.

8. Revamp Body Flexibility

Jumping rope makes the body elastic and flexible. When you jump, a lot of force is developed by your muscles, and after the jump, the muscles relax briefly before the next jump. This is why boxers and basketball players include rope jumping in their training routines. Jumping rope also aids build muscle in your lower limbs.

9. Reduce Belly Fat

Belly fat is the most targeted by diets and the most resistant to get rid of. Jumping the rope can effectively reduce belly fat. Engaging your whole body while jumping the rope is more fruitful in getting rid of belly fat than abdominal exercise alone.

10. Healthy Skin

Glowing skin after training represents one of the biggest rewards of physical exercise. Aerobic exercise, such as jumping the rope, always leaves your skin healthy and blushed. In the long term it will help you make your skin truly glow.

11. Healthy Mind

Jumping the rope with moderate intensity can lower anxiety and depression. This is because physical movements stimulate blood circulation in the body and brain. Jumping rope exercise also triggers your body to produce endorphin, which is a hormone putting us at ease and get rid of stress and anxiety. This can create a positive state of mind. Having more endorphins in your system heighten your chances of enjoying a better quality of life.

How to Jump Rope For Weight Loss

There are lots of ways to lose weight, and jumping rope exercise is an compelling way to lose weight if you stick with it. However, if you are a beginner, it is recommended to decide the intensity level you should aim for. you should consider the factors such as base strength, injury history, surgeries or trauma.

If you jump the rope for 15 to 20 minutes before meals 5 days a week, you should really be able to appreciate how much you can benefit from this simple exercise.

To relieve the strain on the joints, it is recommended to wear properly cushioned sneakers and avoid exercising on hard surfaces like concrete.

Precautions Of Jumping Rope For Beginners

Before taking to rope skipping, it is recommended to warm up your body for at least 10 minutes so you can release muscle tension and get your body ready to perform. It is better to wear shock-absorbing socks and sneakers to prevent injury. It is also essential to drink plenty of water before and after exercising to replenish electrolytes lost through perspiration.

It is advisable to wear a sports bra for women in order to properly support breasts during exercise.