Healthy Food

7 Foods That Are Good For Your Eye Health

Have you ever felt your eyes being irritated and having blurred vision when you stare at your smartphone throughout the day?

If you stare at a computer monitor or mobile phone’s screen for long time, the number of blinks reduces and fatigue begins to build up within your eyes. This is the primary reason for headaches and low vision. But we can’t avoid using smartphone or computer all the time, right?

Did you know that some foods can help protect our eyes and even harm our eyes? By just eating right food, you can protect your eyesight and eye health in good condition. Today, we will learn about 7 foods that are beneficial to our eye health. Moreover, we also discover additional food lists that can harm our eyes health.

7 Foods that support eye health

The most essential nutrient related to ensure healthy eyesight is in Vitamin A. Vitamin A is crucial in protecting the conjunctiva, retina, and cornea.

Let’s find out which foods are high of vitamin A and improve our eye health.

1. Carrots

Carrots can be effective in protecting eyesight and helping prevent night blindness. There is a great source of Vitamin A in carrots, which is an important vitamin for eye health. Additionally, a substance known as beta-carotene in carrots helps maintain healthy eyesight. When you consume carrots, the beta-carotene enters the body and converts itself into vitamin A that assists in strengthening our body’s ability to resist. It also assists in preventing cataracts, glaucoma and blurred vision caused by the aging process. Vitamin A deficiency makes it susceptible to bacterial invasion, and and a severe deficiency can lead to reproductive problems.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are also among the foods that are good for keeping healthy eyes. They are loaded with vitamins C and A as well as folic acid, carotene and lutein. These nutrients keep your eyes safe from damage caused by light, cataracts, as well as macular degeneration. Particularly the nutrient carotene is considered to be helpful in treating some eye conditions like excessive dryness of the eyes and night blindness. It is also said to be good for strengthening the body skeleton.

3. Kale

Kale is abundant in not only lutein but also zeaxanthin. These two substances are potent antioxidants that eliminate free radicals from eyes. They’re great to treat eye injuries and keeping eye vision protected from the effects of aging. They also prevent eye diseases like macular degeneration, one of the leading reasons for blindness. Nutritionists revealed that people who ate enough lutein and Zeaxanthin had 40 % lower chance of developing macular degeneration.

Alongside kale, carotene from green-yellow fruits and vegetables like parsley, spinach and broccoli converts to vitamin A, which aids to keep eyes healthy.

4. Senna sicklepod Tea

Sicklepod tea is a tea made from roasted seeds of Senna. Senna seeds contain abundant amount of Vitamin A, vitamin C and Kemperol, which are efficient in preventing the loss of vision and the appearance of eye drooping. The senna seeds are also known as rich substance of carotene. It helps improve the vision by reducing the redness of the eyes. It can even strengthen the optic nerve in order to avoid optic nerve disorders like nights blindness and glaucoma or cataracts.

5. Blueberries

Antioxidants and amino acids contained in blueberries help prevent blindness causing diseases. Blueberries are renowned for their excellent food choices for healthy eyes. Anthocyanins, which are abundant in blueberries, aid in reducing the sharpness of the eyeball and reduce eye strain and tightness. Furthermore, it’s claimed to reduce night blindness as well as relieve early signs of myopia. Furthermore, the anthocyanin ingredient in blueberries is believed to aid in the re-synthesis process of rhodopsin inside our eyeballs. Rhodopsin is a color in the retina in the eyes. The absence of rhodopsin may cause adverse effects like eye fatigue and diminished vision.

6. Blue-backed fish

The blue-backed fish has high amount of omega-3 fats, which are renowned for their cardiovascular health. Did you have any idea that this omega 3 fatty acid can be beneficial for eyes? It is due to the fact that the retinal tissue in our eyes, specifically the cell membranes of visual cells, contains an abundance of omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids don’t just ensure eyesight protection, but they also help protect the tear film and keep the eyeball hydrated. Because of this, back-blue fish can be a great food source for treating dry eye syndrome.

Omega-3-rich foods include seafood like saury, salmon, tuna as well as green fish and nuts like walnuts and almonds.

7. Papaya

Papaya is an exotic fruit rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A as well as vitamin C, which makes it an excellent food source for the health of your eyes. Vitamin C eliminates free radicals in the body to protect against different eye ailments. Indeed, those with higher levels of vitamin C can reduce their chances for developing cataracts as much as to 64%.

Apart from that, other foods like eggs, cabbage and animal livers with a high concentration of lutein can also have positive effects on the health of your eyes.

Foods that aren’t healthy for eyes

The foods that are not good for your eyes are typically those that contain high levels chemical preservatives.

First, tea, coffee and alcohol are popular with modern-day drinkers but they are not good for your eyes health.

Second, refined flour and tobacco both of which can cause macular degeneration in the retina detrimental to the health of your eyes.

Third, Sugar-rich food like cakes, chocolate, candy and ice cream aren’t good for eye health. It is advised to avoid sweets because they block the calcium getting absorbed into the body. 

More tips to Keep your eyes healthy

For healthy eyes, try to improve your lifestyle while eating foods rich in vitamin A.

  • Rest your eyes for 5-10 minutes each hour when you use electronics or using your computer.
  • Wear sunglasses and a hat to shield your eyes from harmful UV radiation when you go out.
  • Frequent eye examinations can help you keep your eyes healthy.

No matter how healthy a food is, it is advised to consume in moderate amounts each day.  Make a habit of consuming the foods good for eye health described above in moderation and daily, and avoid foods such as alcohol, coffee, flour and sugar. They can interfere with the absorption of vitamins and calcium into the body and cause myopia.

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