Healthy Food

10 Surprising Food Combinations That Boost Weight Loss

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Find out 10 healthy food combinations that help you reach your diet goals faster.

Great Food Combos for Losing Weight

Did you know that some ingredients get along well with one another when you lose weight?

Usually, you need to consciously limit calories to lose weight, but when controlling what you eat, you need to select the ingredients well, but also to combine them properly.

Sometimes when you combine two ingredients together, you have a better effect than consuming one ingredient alone.

In terms of nutrition, there are some food combinations that create a perfect synergy, which are more beneficial for health, satiety, and help weight loss by relieving hunger.

Remember the food combinations that we’re going to find out from now on and enjoy a healthy slimming effect while also increasing the appeal of your meals.

As has been noted, let’s find out the10 combinations of weight loss food that help you reach your diet goals faster.

1. Rice & Lentil Beans

rice and lentil beans are great to eat together to lose weight

Few people know that eating rice and beans together is really beneficial for weight loss. In particular, lentil beans are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and help increase satiety. If you cook lentils with rice, you can consume an appropriate amount of carbohydrates supplying energy. If you’re tired of eating lentil bean rice every day, you can add quinoa, too.

2. Beef Steak & Broccoli

beef steak and broccoli go well together for slimming body

To reduce weight, you need to reduce the amount of food you consume, but it is important to accumulate energy to move your body and workout. Beef is rich in protein and contains iron that makes up red blood cells, so it delivers a tiredness preventing effect by delivering oxygen to each organ of the body. Broccoli goes well with steak in terms of taste, and it is rich in vitamin C, which increases the iron absorption rate in beef, so it also goes well with nutrition.

3. Nuts, Seeds, and Oatmeal

Oatmeal with nuts can speed up your weight loss

Oatmeal is popular as a weight-loss food. The number of people eating oatmeal as a substitute for breakfast or meals has been on the rise recently. If you want to experience the real weight loss effect of oatmeal, avoid pairing it with high sugar food and instead try adding nuts or seeds rich in fiber and antioxidants such as almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds. If you’re tired of eating oatmeal every day, it’s a good idea to try yogurt with fruits and nuts.

4. Green Tea & Lemon

green tea with lemon is one of the best food for weight loss

Green tea is one of the best detox drink because it is full of catechin and other rich antioxidants. In addition, it’s a low-calorie yet energy providing drink. Drinking 3-4 cups of green tea everyday can go a long way for stabilizing blood pressure and maintaining a proper weight. Additionally, adding a slice of lemon to green tea can further enhance your diet efficacy. When you add lemon to your drink, your body absorbs nutrients better and your drink tastes better as well.

If you’d like to know more about FAT BURNING TEAS, >> Click Here <<

5. Tofu, Chicken and Vegetables

Eat tofu or chicken with vegetables for losing weight

Eating healthy vegetables every day is very important in preventing diseases. Specifically, vegetables are mostly low in carbohydrates and effective for weight loss. However, eating only vegetables can be tiring, and it may not have as a significant effect on diet as you may think. If you start a weight reducing plant based diet, remember to add tofu or chicken. Tofu and chicken are abundant in protein, and if eaten together with starch-free vegetables rich in fibre, they can promote weight loss.

6. Almond & Dark Chocolate

dark chocolate and almond is good diet snack.

An almond chocolate snack can be a crowd pleaser. In fact, dark chocolate is not high sugar food and as such it can  be a healthy way of fulfilling your hunger. The combination of almonds and dark chocolate helps maintaining stable blood sugar levels and prevents blood sugar spikes.

7. Coffee & Cinnamon

Coffee is one of the most loved low-calorie drinks. But if you’re tired of black coffee, try having it with a little cinnamon powder in it. Cinnamon powder contains rich antioxidants, which helps reducing obesity and weight related inflammation.

Coffee with cinnamon for your weight loss

Also, Cinnamon includes a satiety hormone, making you feel full quicker and reducing appetite while helping you keep your diet in check. Cinnamon scent contains Sinnam aldehyde, a chemical that can  increase your metabolic rate. Eating cinnamon in any form can help burning fat cells all over your body even when the body itself is inactive and can fight obesity.

8. Potatoes with Pepper

Potatoes are known for making people gain weight because of their amount of carbohydrates. However, this is not always the case. Potatoes are richer in fiber than oatmeal or brown rice, and the carbohydrates contained in potatoes are truly good for your body.

potatoes with pepper accelerate weight loss

Potatoes help generating and releasing energy while keeping you full for a long time. If you sprinkle pepper on potatoes, you can accelerate weight loss rate since pepper contains piperin, an essential extract that lowers cholesterol, and pairs well with potatoes.

9. Eggs & Coconut Oil

Cook eggs with coconut oil to keep your body healthy.

Eggs are filled with protein, omega-3  and other weight loss supplements. If you’re worried about the oil you use to fry eggs, use coconut oil. Coconut oil contains MCT substances that do not increase cholesterol and are generally beneficial to your physical health.

If you want to know about amazing benefits of virgin coconut oil, >> Click Here <<

10. Pistachio & Apple

Pistachio and apple are good snack while you lose weight.

When you feel hunger in between meals, you might have some snacks. This way, you can prevent binge eating come meal time. Pistachio is basically made up of healthy fat, dietary fiber, and protein so it helps reduce hunger. Pistachio is one of the lowest calorie nuts. Since it is usually wrapped in a shell, it helps you pace yourself while eating. If you add fruits that are rich in dietary fiber and sweet like apples, you will feel full quickly and keep a healthy diet.

Consuming the right food can help so much with weight loss but combining it properly provides your body the best chance at making the most out of what you eat and reach your desired weight.

healthy food combo for keep on diet

If you are considering losing weight now, keep in mind the list above. Give this combinations a try and you might discover some new flavours AND hopefully speed up weight loss.