Healthy Food

8 Reasons Why You Should Eat A Banana Every Day

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Eating a banana every day can change your body?

Banana is a fruit enjoyed all over the world in many different occasions. Its taste, nutritional properties and ease of consumption make it the perfect snack for almost everyone. Bananas contain 25% carbohydrates, so they really do provide a natural energy boost.

Banana is obviously loved by athletes, but it can provide a lift for white and blue collar workers alike. You can get high amounts of energy and nutrients with just 1 banana and since it’s so easy to bring bananas with you thanks to their natural packaging (the peel!) you really should consider always bringing one with you when you are working or training.

However, some people have a misconception that eating bananas every day will make you fat. That’s not true at all. In fact, bananas are low in fat and are actually quite effective for weight loss.

Calories In Bananas

Banana calories are 90kcal per 100g, which is slightly higher than other fruits. However, eating bananas gives you a feeling of fullness, which makes them a great substitute for meals. People who combine exercise and diet to lose weight should greatly benefit from eating a banana after exercising.

In this article, we introduce you 8 reasons you should eat bananas every day.

8 Reasons You Should Eat A Banana Every Day

1. Blood pressure control

Bananas is of use to normalize blood pressure. 100g of bananas contains an average of 358mg potassium and 27mg magnesium. Both compounds are known to help with cardiovascular disease by regulating blood pressure, and they also help relieve high blood pressure. If you make a habit of eating one banana a day, you can get the potassium your body needs and potassium is an essential mineral for cardiovascular health.

2. Lose Weight

Bananas are low in calories, rich in nutrients and provide a feeling of fullness. Let’s just read that again. Specifically, the fiber contained in bananas make you feel full longer, which can prevent overeating and help you lose weight. Fiber is essential for digestive health and prevents constipation. I often eat green bananas when dieting because they contain higher amounts of starch and pectin that can support your digestive system and control your blood sugars.

3. Prevention Of Anemia

Anemia is a disease in which blood iron levels drop so low they cause extreme fatigue and low red blood cell and hemoglobin levels. Bananas are packed with iron, which promotes the formation of red blood cells. It also provides vitamin B6, which regulates blood sugar levels. Regularly consuming bananas will raise your energy levels and, when eaten strategically through the day and far from your meals, will prevent energy spikes.

4. Improve Digestion

Digesting bananas is a light duty task for your digestive tract, unlikely to stimulate inflammation. However they also contain resistant starch that can not be digested quickly, helping the growth of healthy bacteria in your intestine. Bananas are generally good to eat when you are affected by stomach ailments, heartburn, or diarrhea, because bananas can replenish the minerals you lost while regulating your digestion.

5. Control Your Stress Level

Bananas lower stress levels and improve mood. This alone should be reason enough to always carry at least one banana with us. The tryptophan they posses is instrumental in our body’s production of serotonin, the so called happiness hormone. Bananas have an average of 27 mg of magnesium per 100 gr , which also enhances sleep quality and emotional stability.

6. Control Blood Sugar Level

Bananas, unlike other sweet fruits, help suppress spikes in blood sugar. Bananas are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps control blood sugar after meals. Eating slightly unripe bananas can help you better control your glycemic index. Yet it is good to remember that if you have diabetes, you should avoid eating ripe bananas altogether.

7. Replenishing Vitamin Deficiency

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6. In fact, one banana contains 20% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B6. Thanks to vitamin B6, our body can make insulin and hemoglobin, along with amino acids necessary for healthy cell reproduction.

One banana also provides 15% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals. Thanks to the high amount of vitamin C bananas contain, your blood vessels will be healthier and your skin will greatly benefit as well since it promotes collagen production.

8. Energy source

Bananas are maybe the best fruit for athletes. The potassium in bananas prevents muscle cramps, and the carbohydrates provide energy for intense workouts. Whenever you hit the gym, make sure you are packing a banana to replenish your energy. An “emergency banana” is what I call them.

How To Store Bananas

Bananas are nutrient-rich fruits, but due to their short shelf life, they are often thrown away as soon as they start to show bruising and dark spots.
If you notice that your bananas are ripening too quickly, cut the stem clean off with a knife or scissors and place the bananas in an airtight container. When preserved like this, bananas can last you a long time without spoiling or turning into a flies magnet.
If you want to store bananas over a long period of time you can peel, slice and put them in a zipper bag so they will be ready for your freezer.

Special Recipe : Banana Vinegar, Fat Burning Drink!

If you are tired of just eating bananas and feel like trying something that can really boost your fat burning potential, you can make banana vinegar and drink it. Banana vinegar is known to be effective for weight loss since it facilitates breaking down body fat. Here’s an easy recipe for home made banana vinegar.

Ingredients : 1 Banana, 120ml Vinegar, 120ml Sugar, 1 Glass Bottle

How to make :

  • Put vinegar and sugar in a heat-sterilized glass bottle and stir it until they blended.
  • Peel the banana and cut it into appropriate sized slices.
  • throw the bananas in, close the lid, and refrigerate for 2 weeks.
  • After 2 weeks, scoop out the banana and discard it.
  • Dilute the finished banana vinegar with water or carbonated water according to your taste and drink it. (A 1: 9 ratio of banana vinegar to water is usually suitable.)

Banana vinegar can be consumed as a beverage, but it can also be used as a salad dressing or as a cooking additive. As an addition for smoothies or yogurt, it can really boost your diet.

In conclusion, how about boosting your health everyday by making bananas a part of your diet any way you prefer? A snack? A drink? A topping? A dressing? Emergency energy boost? Meal replacement? Digestion aid? Brain food? Bananas really can do it all for your body and well, let’s also not forget how good they taste!