Home Exercise

The Ultimate Guide Of Hula-hoop As Home Exercise

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

8 amazing Hula-Hooping Benefits and how to start at home

Hula hoops are known as toys for children. Everyone remembers spinning the hula hoop at least once as a child.

Did you know that hula hoops are great home exercise equipment? Hula hooping is an excellent full body indoor exercise for muscle activation. You must keep it rotating, so you can constantly push the hoop forward with your abdominal muscles and pull it back using your waist muscles.

Today, we will learn about the effectiveness of hula hoop exercise and how to do it.

What Is Hula Hoop?

Hula hoops are thousands of years old, and before plastic, they were made of dry willow branches or vines.

The current hula hoop came out in the late 1950s. It was made after seeing Australian children spinning round bamboo hoops in PH classes, although it owes its name to the Hawaiian traditional hula dance, which resembles its moves.

Hula hooping is perfect for home exercises.

Exercising with a hula hoop is simple. It’s all about putting it on your waist and spinning it around like children do. However, it is an aerobic exercise that consumes more energy than expected, the effectiveness is quite high. Exercise for at least 30 minutes to experience fat burning.

8 Benefits Of Hula Hooping

  • It consumes a lot of calories. Within a 30-minute exercise, men can consume an average of 200 kcal and women about 165 kcal.

  • Burn body fat. If you spin the hula hoop, you can consume an average of 4kcal per minute, which is an excellent rate for an aerobic exercise you can do at home.

  • Helps with triceps health and improves cardiopulmonary ability. Hula hoop is an excellent aerobic exercise that naturally strengthens the heart and lungs and improves cardiopulmonary ability.

  • Helps develop whole body muscles. Not only the upper body, but also the central core, hip, and lower body muscles are evenly engaged. It can increase the muscle mass of the whole body.

  • Helps maintain balance and proper posture. Hula hooping requires standing in a straight position, and if you do it steadily, it helps straightening your spine and correcting your posture.

  • Best exercise to lose belly fat. Since waist and abdomen are continuously engaged, direct stimulation is applied to the abdomen, which is good for women that seek to lose belly fat and trim their silhouette.

  • It’s good for relieving constipation. Continuous abdominal stimulation has a massaging effect that might help those suffering from constipation.

  • It helps taming your emotions.

  • Like other cardiovascular exercises, regular hula hooping has a calming effect. Exercising releases endorphins that lower your stress levels and makes you feel refreshed and stronger.

Hula Hoop Workout Guide For Beginners

1. It’s easier to spin a large hula hoop than a small one.

2. It’s good to keep the hoop at the level of your navel while spinning.

3. Wear tight and elastic clothes. Wearing yoga clothes is a good option.

4. Stretch your body before hula hooping to prevent muscle strain.

5. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart.

6. Put one foot a little ahead of the other. It depends on the direction of rotation. When turning right, put your right foot in front, and when turning left, put your left foot in front.

7. Keep your back straight and stand upright.

8. Move the hoop back and forth rather than turning your back.

9. Don’t just spin the hoop in one direction, remember to do it on both sides.

10. If you have back problems, you’d better avoid hula hoops.

Best Ways To Use Hula Hoop At Home

If you’re ready to start, try spinning it 50 to 100 times at a time for about 5 days, and then increase to 100/150 reps for another 5 days. Then, keep it on 3-4 times a week and 200 reps a session. Remember that as you start to sweat, you will start to lose body fat. Beginners may have bruises or muscle pain around their stomach, but that won’t last more than a week.

Day 1 – Day 5: spin 50- 100 times a day

Day 6 – Day 10: spin 100 – 150 times a day

After Day 10: spin 200 times a day

Hula hooping is a fun exercise anyone can enjoy anywhere. You don’t need any special preparation and the exercise effectiveness is good, so if you do it regularly you will experience weight loss, improved balance, and cardiovascular health.